Direct Sold

Manage all campaigns in one convenient place with Interactive Offers Direct Sold feature.

As a publisher, the most revenue you'll generate is when you sell ad space directly.

Interactive Offers gives you a solution for direct sold placements utilizing our ad codes but serving your ads programmatically.

This means you always have ads showing, therefore you're always generating revenue.

Direct Sold takes the hassle out of scrambling to sell out ad spaces every month and the manual workload it takes to upload each ad placement, while enjoying the convenience of always having 100% fill rate in your ad slots.

Take full control of each of your email newsletters today!

Power to the publisher!

We focus on helping publishers generate revenue by offering Native Ads that blend and flow seamlessly between their content through multiple channels.

It’s simple. When someone clicks, you earn money.

Our Native Ad experiences capture a user’s attention better than traditional ads would, which means more clicks and more revenue.

Don't just take our word for it!

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